Birthworkers of Central Ohio
Birthworkers of Central Ohio
Supporting families through education, community outreach, and professional services.

Our Mission:

Educate & Support Families

Supporting families through education, community outreach, and professional services.


Our Mission

Birthworkers of Central Ohio is a non-profit organization committed to supporting families through education, community outreach, and professional services offered to expectant parents and parents of newborns. The BWCO referral network is comprised of a diverse group of birth professionals including doulas, childbirth educators, lactation consultants, massage therapists and others who provide high-quality services that integrate the needs of the whole family. We abide by the principles of the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative (CIMS). To that end, the birth professionals who make up our network are committed to:

- approaching pregnancy and birth as a healthy, natural process;

- providing birthing families with supportive, respectful care; and

- empowering women to make informed decisions about their care during pregnancy and after their baby is born.


Expectant Families

If you are a pregnant woman or family member, our referral network will connect you to birth professionals and the information you need to have an informed birth and a smooth transition into life with your new baby. You can also find information on childbirth education, doulas, midwives and more on our resources page.

Birth Professionals

We welcome all Central Ohio birth professionals at our meetings. Membership in Birthworkers of Central Ohio (BWCO) is open to all birth professionals and provides opportunities for networking, sharing birth-related information, as well as answering questions and offering support for new birthworkers. Please visit our meetings & membership page for more information and meeting dates.



Our Vision

Birthworkers of Central Ohio aims to create a large network of caring professionals to help expecting families. We connect so we can help you connect with care providers, support services, and health professionals we trust.



Doulas matter

Research shows that having a doula on your birth team can increase positive birth outcomes and experiences. A doula’s presence has been shown to lower the cesarean rate by up to 56%.


The midwife difference

A 5-year study released in 2018 found mothers with access to midwives had better birth outcomes, more spontaneous vaginal deliveries, and higher rates of vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).